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Bio-Hydroderm™ FAQ

The advanced Bio- Hydroderm™ technology is redefining and creating a new standard in the wet/dry microdermbrasion services. This unique technology, combined with a superior designed diamond tip hand piece, allows the skin therapist to create a service for every client.

A variety of abrasion treatment tips tailored and Aqua Fuse infusion products also allow the skin therapist to quickly perform multiple treatment passes, creating a uniquely formulated service to deliver extremely satisfying results.

The Bio- Hydroderm™ microdermabrasion system utilises controlled pressure and vacuum monitors to allow consistent and smooth application. Treatments are more pleasant and faster than traditional microdermabrasion systems. Depending on the required service; an average treatment should take between 20-30 minutes to complete.

You will see and feel the change after a single treatment. Microdermabrasion can be delivered as frequently as weekly or up to every eight weeks depending on your skin tolerance and desired cosmetic outcomes. A course of 6 treatments is usually recommended and then a maintenance program to maintain results. Consult your therapist for further guidance.

The Bio- Hydroderm™ system handpieces typically incorporate a clear plastic rounded tip that gently glides over the surface of the skin effortlessly and without trauma. The treatment is safe with no known or reported side effects.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) FAQ

GBG trained therapists offer a range of cost effective and professional treatments including:

  • Permanent hair reduction
  • The elimination of sun spots, freckles and other skin discoloration
  • Removal of vascular lesions
  • Skin rejuvenation
  • Acne reduction
  • Most people can have IPL treatment
  • Your trained therapist should be able to determine your suitability
  • Consult your Dr if you are not sure
  • People who have been tanning or have dark skin may be at higher risk
  • No skin desensitization is required
  • You may feel a slight level of discomfort with each application
  • This will reduce as the area being treated responds to the therapy
  • Short term effects are possible
  • Redness can occur in the area being treated
  • This will disappear soon after the treatment
  • Generally you can return to normal activities straight after
  • A minimum of 2 weeks is required before exposure to sunlight
  • Permanent hair reduction: 8 – 10 treatments, spaced 2 – 8 weeks apart
  • Sun spot reduction: 4 – 6 treatments, spaced 4 weeks apart
  • Vascular lesions: 4 – 6 treatments, spaced 2 weeks apart
  • Skin rejuvenation: 4 – 6 treatments, spaced 4 weeks apart
  • Acne treatments: may be ongoing weekly or fortnightly

Your Intense Pulsed Light treatment takes around the same amount of time as a wax treatment for the same area. The first visit will be around 30 minutes to perform as we need to do a patch test and ask you some questions.

IPL targets the hair compound called melanin, this give hair the colour (pigmentation). Melanin is most prevalent in hair during the early-anagen phase of hair growth, and hairs in this stage of growth are the ones most responsive to Intense Pulsed Light. Ongoing treatments are needed to catch each hair as it passes through this early-anagen stage of development, that may result due to hormonal fluctuations though out your life-time.

This simple reason for this is due to the high acquisition cost of machines, maintenance and the materials used during these treatments, are also very costly. However, when you consider the cost of waxing over the years, in addition to the time it takes out of your busy day – the benefits outweigh the initial upfront cost.

In relation to pigmentation – If you have skin that is easily sun-damaged (freckled) and pre-caution is not taken to protect your skin, by using sunscreen daily, in addition to a Vitamin c Serum to inhibit melanin from developing, it is likely you will need “top-up” treatments. In relation to vascular lesions – It will depend what the trigger was. In some cases, you may only require a few treatments and no follow up, on the other hand, skin conditions such as Rosacea, will need on-going maintenance and home care for the best possible results.

Generally any part of the body can be treated. Exceptions include areas in close proximity to the eyes, the inner ear and nose. The most popular areas for hair removal are the underarms, bikini, upper lip, chin, face, legs, back & chest. The most popular areas for skin treatments are the face, arms, hands, décolletage and legs.

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